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So, What Are You Waiting For?
If you need help getting easy meals on the table FAST, then you’re in the right place.
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This constitutes notice that Member Kitchens, LLC (previously Unique Ideas) has updated its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. As you are an admin on this account, rather than the owner, please inform the owner they must log in to accept these new terms before {{check_terms_acceptance.data.terms_acceptance_required_by}}.
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{{fraction_qty == 0 ? '' : fraction_qty}}{{' '+current_tenant.data.units_of_measure_all.where(`uom_text`,uom,'==')[0].translated_uom_text.replace('noneitem','')+ ' ' +(current_tenant.data.settings.capitalize_ingredients ? ingredient.capitalize() : ingredient)}} {{ingredient_note ? ' (' + ingredient_note + ')' : ''}}
You must own the content or have permission from the owner to use their content
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Recipe has been added
{{fraction_qty == 0 ? '' : fraction_qty}}{{' '+current_tenant.data.units_of_measure_all.where(`uom_text`,unit_of_measure,'==')[0].translated_uom_text.replace('noneitem','')+ ' ' +(current_tenant.data.settings.capitalize_ingredients ? ingredient.capitalize() : ingredient)}} {{ingredient_note ? ' (' + ingredient_note + ')' : ''}}
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{{fraction_qty == 0 ? '' : fraction_qty}}{{' '+current_tenant.data.units_of_measure_all.where(`uom_text`,unit_of_measure,'==')[0].translated_uom_text.replace('noneitem','')+ ' ' +(current_tenant.data.settings.capitalize_ingredients ? ingredient.capitalize() : ingredient)}} {{ingredient_note ? ' (' + ingredient_note + ')' : ''}}
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{{fraction_qty == 0 ? '' : fraction_qty}}{{' '+current_tenant.data.units_of_measure_all.where(`uom_text`,uom,'==')[0].translated_uom_text.replace('noneitem','')+ ' ' +(current_tenant.data.settings.capitalize_ingredients ? ingredient.capitalize() : ingredient)}} {{ingredient_note ? ' (' + ingredient_note + ')' : ''}}
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{{current_tenant.data.prep_categories.where(`prep_category_id`, prep_category_id, '==')[0].category_name}}
Information is provided as an estimate.
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Fancy display heading
{{fraction_qty == 0 ? '' : fraction_qty}}{{' '+current_tenant.data.units_of_measure_all.where(`uom_text`,uom,'==')[0].translated_uom_text.replace('noneitem','')+ ' ' +(current_tenant.data.settings.capitalize_ingredients ? ingredient.capitalize() : ingredient)}} {{ingredient_note ? ' (' + ingredient_note + ')' : ''}}
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If you need help getting easy meals on the table FAST, then you’re in the right place.
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