Mental Wellness

From sleep to stress to medication, mental health is an extremely important part of your physical well-being.

5 Tips to Beat the Body Blues

Summertime is peaking around the corner. And you know what that means: swimsuit season.

Yes, the season you've put off training for

The Common Denominator

I'm often asked the question of why I became a dietitian and my response is always the same: I love food!

However, my response is often mistaken

The Thankful Game

At a conference I attended this summer, a keynote speaker gave a talk about thankfulness. She referred to a study which found people who meditate


I arrived home a few weeks ago from an almost-two-week vacay in Europe. Not really a vacation; as my brother would say, I took a

Vignettes of Community

Where I sit typing in this busy coffee shop I watch lives briefly intersect. Coming, going, coming; humans are social creatures, but sometimes we can

“Off” Days

By nature, I'm a pretty happy person. I feel really lucky for that. I don't know if it's the wiring of my brain, how I've


I don't know if you know this, but 2017 is my year.

I'm going places this year. I'm meeting new people. I'm taking chances with my

Suck it, 2016 (Alternate Title: Glass Half Full)

I don’t know about you, but 2016 was a rough year for me. I can’t remember any other time in my life that had so

Love Wins

I don't know about you, but this election season was the absolute worst. Granted, I haven't participated in too many presidential elections in my adult

Home is Where the Heart Is

If home is where the heart is,
then I've never been alone -
State by state, year by year
when love's near
my heart has

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