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Farm Life

Learn where your food comes from and join the journey of sustainability in agriculture with Dietitian Ann.


Unpredictability is the name of the game when it comes to farming. Weather, pests, breakdowns, and (perhaps most frustrating), the marketplace.

Things have been especially good

Sweet Corn Season

Sweet Corn Season. It's a capital-letter-phrase in our household, and it's an experience that I've been looking forward to sharing. Let me tell you the

Rained Out: A Story of Mitigating Risk

For all of the technology in modern agriculture - the GPS device in the combine, the weather app on the phone, the wireless electronic truck

Kansas Wheat Harvest

Most people think that Kansas is land-locked. They would be right -- except for June, when seas of golden wheat stretch across the plains. Millions of

Nitrogen Fertilizer, a Comparison

A few weeks ago I wrote about how nitrogren fertilizer is an essential part of farming because it is an essential part of protein, and

Nitrogen: the Building Block of Building Blocks


I've ranted over its popularity in the American diet. I've warned that we're getting way more protein than we need (although so far there's no


Happiness is... [family]
...parents visiting for the weekend.
...making homemade noodles with your niece.
...being an honorary aunt of your best friend’s kid.
...missing Grandpa

Farming when the Ground is White and the Temp is Low

I work an 8-to-5-ish job. I have weekends and holidays off, I accrue PTO, and if I'm deathly ill, I have (amazing) coworkers who will

Crop Rotation

In case you hadn't noticed, winter is upon us. Snow has blanketed the fields, temperatures have dropped, and the days are short.

So what happens on

The Harvest Crew

Every year my parents host a post-harvest celebration. They usually go out to a restaurant (that way mom gets to enjoy the time

Milo (Sorghum) Harvest 2015

Scheufler Farms, Inc. Fall Harvest 2015 is officially over. It ended last Friday, when the crew finished in the milo field.

Usually it's the double-crop beans

Fall: Harvest, Planting, and My (Dad’s) Happy Place

Fall is a busy time on a Kansas farm. It's the place on the calendar where harvest and planting intersect.

Unlike wheat harvest, which wraps up

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