Mental Wellness

From sleep to stress to medication, mental health is an extremely important part of your physical well-being.

Health and Wellness Resources

Resources for nutrition, exercise, mental health, and alternative medicine professionals to help you meet your goals in the new year.

3 Big Benefits of Family Dinner

Mealtime is about so much more than food and nutrition - it’s also about the memories we make together and sharing life.

Non-Negotiable Health Needs: How to Stay Healthy When Busy

How do you stay healthy when you’re busy? These self-care tips for busy moms will help you stay on track with nutrition, exercise, and mental

This New Year, on a Personal Note…

This New Year we’ve got big news - in the form of a 7-pound-10-ounce bundle of joy!

I’ve never been so happy to write a

What is Hoppiness? The Origin Story of Peas and Hoppiness

Peas and Hoppiness. Yes, it’s a food pun. No, it’s not a typo – it’s spelled with an “O.” As in “hops,” like what’s used

Shedding and Keeping: An Alternative to Traditional New Year’s Resolutions

You know one of the most frustrating things about changing habits?

It takes time.

Habits are like a well-worn trail in your brain. That’s

Emotional Hunger: How to Nourish Your Soul

Emotional hunger.

I bet I don’t even have to define it. I bet - intuitively - you know what I’m talking about.

In the

She’s All In.

Oh, hey there!

Did you think I had forgotten about you?

I haven’t. It’s just that you, like my dear sourdough

Big Rocks: Prioritizing what Matters Most

With a new year around the corner, I’ve been thinking recently about happiness. How does one pursue it? And even more importantly, how


A year ago I wrote a post called Balance. In it I offered productive solutions to care for mind, body, and soul. During

5 Tips to Beat the Body Blues

Summertime is peaking around the corner. And you know what that means: swimsuit season.

Yes, the season you've put off training for

The Common Denominator

I'm often asked the question of why I became a dietitian and my response is always the same: I love food!

However, my response is often mistaken

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