Ann Kent

Credible nutrition information, cooking tips, product recommendations, and reflections on sustainability from Dietitian Ann.

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5 Simple Swaps for a Healthier Cinco de Mayo

Fun facts about me:

  • My birthday is Cinco de Mayo (and I love my birthday!)
  • I speak Spanish fluently (es una lengua muy bonita)
  • I *heart* Mexican food

“Off” Days

By nature, I'm a pretty happy person. I feel really lucky for that. I don't know if it's the wiring of my brain, how I've

Breakfast is the Best… But is it the Most Important?

I have upsetting news: there is controversy as to the importance of breakfast.

I know, I know. Everybody "knows" that breakfast is the most important meal of

The Next Generation of American Agriculture

My Dad was featured in the Wall Street Journal last month. That's right, I'm basically the daughter of a celebrity.

He and several other farmers in


I don't know if you know this, but 2017 is my year.

I'm going places this year. I'm meeting new people. I'm taking chances with my

How to Make Breakfast the BEST Meal of the Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Haven't you heard? It's definitely my favorite. Almost every day I wake up Hungry (with a

Dietitian Eats

Every day I talk with people about food. How to balance healthy eating vs. living in the real world. And it's hard.

Believe me, I know

Suck it, 2016 (Alternate Title: Glass Half Full)

I don’t know about you, but 2016 was a rough year for me. I can’t remember any other time in my life that had so

How to Identify Credible Nutrition Information Online

How can you tell if a nutrition website or source is reliable? Follow these steps to know if the nutrition information is credible or not.

But Where Does it All Go?

A few months ago I wrote about the volatility of the farming economy - the Invisible Hand of supply, demand, and incentive programs. Today, that picture

Love Wins

I don't know about you, but this election season was the absolute worst. Granted, I haven't participated in too many presidential elections in my adult

Healthy Halloween Treats

I haven't been this excited about Halloween since I was a senior in high school when my parents finally let me dress up and go

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