Ann Kent

Credible nutrition information, cooking tips, product recommendations, and reflections on sustainability from Dietitian Ann.

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Healthy Eating Tips When Life Gets Busy

Meal planning saves you time, money, and stress. But what if you don’t have time to meal plan? Learn how to eat healthy when life

Wine Camp

Good food, good drink, and good people.

Three of my favorite things in the world collided last weekend at my very first year of participating in


Unpredictability is the name of the game when it comes to farming. Weather, pests, breakdowns, and (perhaps most frustrating), the marketplace.

Things have been especially good

Home is Where the Heart Is

If home is where the heart is,
then I've never been alone -
State by state, year by year
when love's near
my heart has

Should I Take a Nutrition Supplement?

Of all things nutrition, one of the most obscure and confusing topics seems to be nutritional supplements.

Nutritional supplements come in many forms: herbs, vitamins, diet

Sweet Corn Season

Sweet Corn Season. It's a capital-letter-phrase in our household, and it's an experience that I've been looking forward to sharing. Let me tell you the

Rained Out: A Story of Mitigating Risk

For all of the technology in modern agriculture - the GPS device in the combine, the weather app on the phone, the wireless electronic truck

Kansas Wheat Harvest

Most people think that Kansas is land-locked. They would be right -- except for June, when seas of golden wheat stretch across the plains. Millions of

Why Nutrition Advice Seems So Confusing

Nutrition information seems to contradict and advice about what to eat is confusing. Here’s why nutrition science is inconsistent and how to figure out the

Rain or Shine

Well, I did it. I'm officially a finisher of the Colorado Half Marathon. What can I say about it? It was fun(?) It was hard. And

Nitrogen Fertilizer, a Comparison

A few weeks ago I wrote about how nitrogren fertilizer is an essential part of farming because it is an essential part of protein, and


I've been learning a lot about myself and about life this year. Training for the half marathon (my New Year's Resolution, in case you hadn't

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