
Credible nutrition information, cooking tips, product recommendations, and reflections on sustainability from Dietitian Ann.

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Farming when the Ground is White and the Temp is Low

I work an 8-to-5-ish job. I have weekends and holidays off, I accrue PTO, and if I'm deathly ill, I have (amazing) coworkers who will

Cleanse Diets: Do they Work? And Which one Should you Try?

Should you try a detox diet to cleanse after the holidays? Before starting one, learn what you should cleanse from and which cleanses to avoid.


How to Set a New Year’s Resolution You’ll Actually Keep

A few years ago, I belonged to a gym that was just down the street from our house. I joined in July and

Soul Food

This Christmas I'm feeding my soul.

Most of the time I make decisions about what to eat based on health (and time

Crop Rotation

In case you hadn't noticed, winter is upon us. Snow has blanketed the fields, temperatures have dropped, and the days are short.

So what happens on

The Great Battle Against Artificial Sweeteners

Lately I've been hearing this phrase a lot: "But you know, those artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar. You might as well just eat the

An Overview of Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are confusing. They have weird names and are metabolized (broken down) by the body into components whose names we're not familiar with. That

The Harvest Crew

Every year my parents host a post-harvest celebration. They usually go out to a restaurant (that way mom gets to enjoy the time

The Tale of a Soda Pop

Carbs, glorious carbs!

A couple of weeks ago we talked about what happened as a reaction to the low-fat craze of the late 20th century: food manufacturers

Five Tips for Enjoying Holiday Eating without Guilt or Stress

For those of us with a sweet tooth (or an urge to snack on things in front of us), this can be a treacherous time

Milo (Sorghum) Harvest 2015

Scheufler Farms, Inc. Fall Harvest 2015 is officially over. It ended last Friday, when the crew finished in the milo field.

Usually it's the double-crop beans

Fall: Harvest, Planting, and My (Dad’s) Happy Place

Fall is a busy time on a Kansas farm. It's the place on the calendar where harvest and planting intersect.

Unlike wheat harvest, which wraps up

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