
Credible nutrition information, cooking tips, product recommendations, and reflections on sustainability from Dietitian Ann.

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I arrived home a few weeks ago from an almost-two-week vacay in Europe. Not really a vacation; as my brother would say, I took a

Sustainability Spotlight: Industry Perspective

Last December, Marvin showed up on my parents’ doorstep.

Marvin works for ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Company – although nobody ever calls them by their full

10 Tasty Road Trip Snacks that Won’t Clog your Arteries

I've been on the road a lot this summer: to the farm, to the mountains, to conferences. In trains, planes, and automobiles (but not that

Sustainability in Agriculture

Farm to Table. Locally Grown. Sustainably Made.

These buzzwords are becoming more than marketing phrases – they are becoming the demands of consumers. Consumers understand now

Vignettes of Community

Where I sit typing in this busy coffee shop I watch lives briefly intersect. Coming, going, coming; humans are social creatures, but sometimes we can

Is Coffee Good for You? The Health Benefits and Limits of Coffee

I am a self-proclaimed coffee snob. I mean, I'll drink any coffee in a pinch, but I really love a freshly ground cup of high-quality

Every Purchase Matters: Slow Fashion and Ethically Made Clothing

We live in a global society. In fact, you're probably using a device right now whose components were manufactured in six of the seven continents

I Just PR’d a Little

Today (for the second time in my life) I did something I never-ever-ever thought I could do. Today I ran my second half marathon.

Today I

5 Simple Swaps for a Healthier Cinco de Mayo

Fun facts about me:

  • My birthday is Cinco de Mayo (and I love my birthday!)
  • I speak Spanish fluently (es una lengua muy bonita)
  • I *heart* Mexican food

“Off” Days

By nature, I'm a pretty happy person. I feel really lucky for that. I don't know if it's the wiring of my brain, how I've

Breakfast is the Best… But is it the Most Important?

I have upsetting news: there is controversy as to the importance of breakfast.

I know, I know. Everybody "knows" that breakfast is the most important meal of

The Next Generation of American Agriculture

My Dad was featured in the Wall Street Journal last month. That's right, I'm basically the daughter of a celebrity.

He and several other farmers in

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