If standard, pre-made meal plans haven’t worked for you, I have good news! You might simply need something different to help you come up with a plan for dinner. Introducing: our flexible, easy-to-customize Meal Guides.

Meal Planning Using the Peas and Hoppy Meal GuidesIs your busy family constantly asking you, “What’s for dinner?”

There is a solution to this, but it might not be what you think…

Many of my clients feel frustrated the meal plans they have tried to follow haven’t worked for them. But what they don’t realize is THEY aren’t they problem… the meal plan is!

Instead of trying another “perfect” meal plan which is destined for failure because it doesn’t align with your family, I’m excited to introduce you to our Peas and Hoppy Meal Guides.

A meal guide is a flexible alternative to the meal plans which haven’t worked. You can regain your time and decrease stress in the kitchen – you just need the right tools!

Why Meal Plans Don’t Work

Actually, meal planning DOES work. It’s just that only YOU can make your meal plan.

If you download someone’s PDF of their monthly menu, it probably won’t work for your schedule, taste buds, and lifestyle.

Instead of trying to fit your meals into some else’s spreadsheet, grab this free Meal Planning Template. I’ll show you how to make a meal plan based on YOUR schedule.

Okay, but there’s still the problem of WHAT to eat. That’s the whole point of downloading a meal plan, right? You’re tired of that “What’s for dinner?” question falling on your shoulders.

The Alternative to Meal Plans: Meal Guides

The meal planning step where most of us (me included) seem to get stuck is the “What?” question.

What should I eat?
How can I make a balanced meal?
Where do I find easy recipes my family will like?

That’s where the Peas and Hoppy Meal Guides app comes in.

When you sign up for our meal planning app, we send you a new menu every week with 10 fresh meal ideas, recipes included. A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (me) balances the meals nutritionally.

The best thing? You can customize your menu!

  • Delete recipes you don’t need
  • Adjust serving sizes to fit your family
  • Substitute recipes from our database of 800+ options

If you want to try it out yourself, you can start with a free trial!

Wait, So How Exactly is a Meal Guide Different than a Meal Plan?

You use the Meal Guide to make your family’s Meal Plan. Here’s the difference:

A Meal Guide is the list of recipes we send you in the Peas and Hoppy Meal Guide app, planned by season, balanced nutritionally, and including a variety of proteins and cuisines.

A Meal Plan is the list of recipes YOU choose for the week based on your schedule, taste buds, and cooking preferences.

Meal Guide = Inspiration. Meal Plan = Your outline for a successful week.

How to Meal Plan for SUCCESS

Using the Peas and Hoppy Meal Guides app to create a weekly meal planIf you’re ready for a flexible Meal Guide that will work with YOUR lifestyle, I invite you to start a free trial of the Peas and Hoppy Meal Guides app.

After your free trial, membership is just $14.99 per month. It’s a small investment for a huge payoff. You’ll enjoy more time with your family and less time stressing about dinner or going to the grocery store.

Being responsible for figuring out what to eat every week is a big mental load. We’re delighted to take some of this off your shoulders and help you reclaim joy and confidence in the kitchen.

Happy meal planning,

Dietitian Ann

Peas and Hoppy Meal Guides: Meal Planning App

P.S. Even if you’re new to this, you CAN find a meal planning rhythm that will make mealtime easier for your family.

Doors are now open for my FREE Meal Planning Workshop in January. Learn more and reserve your spot now. Space is limited, so don’t wait to sign up!

Make A Meal Plan that Works for YOU (not the other way around)

Download this free weekly meal planning template and use our simple 3-step process to make a plan for the week based on YOUR schedule, preferences, and cooking skills.

Spend Less Time Thinking About Dinner

Get a new pre-planned seasonal menu in our meal planning app every Thursday with fresh meal ideas, then customize your Meal Guide by adding/deleting recipes and adjusting servings to meet your family’s needs!

“The Meal Guides have helped me with easy-to-follow recipes and nearly endless ideas! They make regular-basis cooking so much easier and more convenient.”

Julia Rodgers, member of the Peas & Hoppy Meal Guides

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