Birthday Sale! Use code PARTY for 50% off all subscriptions to the Peas and Hoppy Meal Guides App through July 26!

Mental Wellness

From sleep to stress to medication, mental health is an extremely important part of your physical well-being.

Health and Wellness Resources

Resources for nutrition, exercise, mental health, and alternative medicine professionals to help you meet your goals in the new year.

3 Big Benefits of Family Dinner

Mealtime is about so much more than food and nutrition - it’s also about the memories we make together and sharing life.

Non-Negotiable Health Needs: How to Stay Healthy When Busy

How do you stay healthy when you’re busy? These self-care tips for busy moms will help you stay on track with nutrition, exercise, and mental

This New Year, on a Personal Note…

This New Year we’ve got big news - in the form of a 7-pound-10-ounce bundle of joy!

I’ve never been so happy to write a

What is Hoppiness? The Origin Story of Peas and Hoppiness

Peas and Hoppiness. Yes, it’s a food pun. No, it’s not a typo – it’s spelled with an “O.” As in “hops,” like what’s used

Shedding and Keeping: An Alternative to Traditional New Year’s Resolutions

You know one of the most frustrating things about changing habits?

It takes time.

Habits are like a well-worn trail in your brain. That’s

Emotional Hunger: How to Nourish Your Soul

Emotional hunger.

I bet I don’t even have to define it. I bet - intuitively - you know what I’m talking about.

In the

She’s All In.

Oh, hey there!

Did you think I had forgotten about you?

I haven’t. It’s just that you, like my dear sourdough

Big Rocks: Prioritizing what Matters Most

With a new year around the corner, I’ve been thinking recently about happiness. How does one pursue it? And even more importantly, how


A year ago I wrote a post called Balance. In it I offered productive solutions to care for mind, body, and soul. During

5 Tips to Beat the Body Blues

Summertime is peaking around the corner. And you know what that means: swimsuit season.

Yes, the season you've put off training for

The Common Denominator

I'm often asked the question of why I became a dietitian and my response is always the same: I love food!

However, my response is often mistaken

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