Credible Nutrition Information

Credible and reliable nutrition information including reviews of popular diets and the science of nutrition by Registered Dietitian Ann Kent.

The Tale of a Soda Pop

Carbs, glorious carbs!

A couple of weeks ago we talked about what happened as a reaction to the low-fat craze of the late 20th century: food manufacturers

Five Tips for Enjoying Holiday Eating without Guilt or Stress

For those of us with a sweet tooth (or an urge to snack on things in front of us), this can be a treacherous time

Pickles, Sauerkraut, & Preservation

If cooking is a giant chemistry experiment, fermentation is a lesson in biology. Preservation is a happy marriage of these two sciences.

Lately, between the Community

Probiotics & Yogurt Parfaits

Today we're going to talk about germs.

Or rather, we're going to talk about yeast and bacteria.

These delightful little organisms are often thought of in a

Hello, world.

There are a few things you should know about me if you're going to bother to read anything I write, so I suppose I'll use

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