
Credible nutrition information, cooking tips, product recommendations, and reflections on sustainability from Dietitian Ann.

How to Cook a Vegetable if you’ve Never Seen it Before

One of the most intimidating things about cooking to me is trying something new - a new cooking technique, a new vegetable, a new

Camping: 101

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I love camping.

And when I say "camping," I don't mean sleep-in-a-bed-with-the-windows-open glamping,

10 Tasty Road Trip Snacks that Won’t Clog your Arteries

I've been on the road a lot this summer: to the farm, to the mountains, to conferences. In trains, planes, and automobiles (but not that

Dietitian Eats

Every day I talk with people about food. How to balance healthy eating vs. living in the real world. And it's hard.

Believe me, I know

Healthy Halloween Treats

I haven't been this excited about Halloween since I was a senior in high school when my parents finally let me dress up and go

Wine Camp

Good food, good drink, and good people.

Three of my favorite things in the world collided last weekend at my very first year of participating in

A Butternut Sonnet (or Three)

As the autumn leaves set fire to the sky
the garden now begins to fade away.
A tale that tells of summer drawing nigh,

Pickles, Sauerkraut, & Preservation

If cooking is a giant chemistry experiment, fermentation is a lesson in biology. Preservation is a happy marriage of these two sciences.

Lately, between the Community

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