New Year, New Decade


Sometime during this last decade I made up a game I call “The Where-Were-You-a-Year-Ago Game.” It’s exactly what the title suggests: a reflection on where I was last year at this time and how I was feeling. I like to play this game with myself to help me remember where I’ve been, realize what I’ve learned, and think about what I want to do differently in my life.

There have been times these last 10 years when this game has been really painful to play. Playing this game has forced me to reflect on past hurts I’d sometimes rather not think about. However, I’ve found this game to be a helpful way to not only process painful times in my life but also help me to be thankful for where I am today.

There is a new year around the corner – but not just a new year, a whole new decade. Usually around this time in December I think about the goals I set last year and the goals I want to accomplish in the year to come. Today, though, I’m thinking about my game. I’m thinking about where I was a decade ago, how much I’ve grown, and where I want to be 10 years from now.

This year, instead of challenging you to set a S.M.A.R.T. goal or simply reflecting on the ups and downs of the past year, I want to play a version of my game with you. I’d like to you to choose either to reflect on the past 10 years or to think forward to the new decade.

Here is my New Year New Decade challenge: pick one of the following questions to spend 30 minutes meditating, journaling, or pondering. Have a conversation about this question with a friend, your significant other, your kids, or your co-workers. Or come up with your own question and post it in the comments so we can all play with you.

New Year, New Decade Questions

  1. What are the accomplishments you’re most proud of doing in the last 10 years?

  2. Which events happened that were really hard in the last 10 years and how have they changed you?

  3. What are you most grateful for which happened in the last 10 years?

  4. What are the traits you want someone to use to describe you 10 years from now?

  5. What are 10 goals you want to work towards in the next 10 years?

I’m playing, too. I won’t bore you with answers to all five of the questions – although I’ve been pondering them all myself recently. Because I’m a goal-setter at heart, here are my top 10 Goals I want to Accomplish in the New Decade:

  1. Stop apologizing for things that aren’t my fault.

  2. Use less plastic and switch to environmentally-friendly household cleaning and personal products.

  3. Buy more local and ethically made products (clothes, household goods like towels and sheets).

  4. Work less, play more. Or rather work smarter and more efficiently so I have more time to play.

  5. Be intentional about self-care. Exercise and meditate regularly. Spend time with quality people who fill my bucket.

  6. Get rid of shit I don’t need. Give away the good stuff, reuse or recycle as much as possible of the rest. Don’t buy new things I don’t need.

  7. Eat better for the planet. Less meat, more local produce. Grow some food ourselves. Start composting our food waste.

  8. Give more. Buy dinner and coffee for friends. Donate to charities like GiveDirectly. Volunteer in my local community.

  9. Continue to travel around the U.S. and abroad with my awesome travel buddies

  10. Be kind. Love intentionally. Support my friends and family. Keep in touch with my far-away friends. Avoid negative talk and use my words to encourage others.

I hope you take the time to think through these questions. To live with intention and thoughtfulness. I hope you use this next decade to become a better version of yourself while at the same time embracing who you are now.

Photo cred: Shaye Fitzgerald of PhoCo

Photo cred: Shaye Fitzgerald of PhoCo

Happy, happy New Decade, my friends.

With love from Peas & Hoppiness.

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