Crowd-Pleasing Roasted Broccoli


Roasted Broccoli from Peas and Hoppiness -

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There is a simple way to make healthy food taste good; yes, you can eat to fuel your body AND love what you eat!

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I know the importance of putting quality food in our bodies to obtain quality health.

I ALSO think that it’s very important to love what you eat. Unfortunately, I often hear from my clients the fear that healthy and delicious seem mutually exclusive.

I’m here to attempt to convince you otherwise.

So, today we’re roasting broccoli. Yes, that’s right. If Brussels sprouts are the #1 most disliked vegetable in America, broccoli is probably #2.

If you fall into the category of people-who-hate-broccoli, here are three reasons with which I hope to change your mind.

Reason #1 to Love Broccoli: It’s Cruciferous, Baby

Wait, what does that even mean? The word cruciferous comes from the Latin word, crucifer, meaning “cross-bearing.”

If you cut a head of broccoli in half, you’ll notice this cross-shape. Cruciferous vegetables are an entire class of veggies that also includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy, to name a few. 

What’s so great about this cross-shape? These veggies include a group of phytonutrients called glucosinolates. When consumed, glucosinolates are broken down into an array of substances that collectively have been shown to reduce risk of all types of cancer. Take a look at the American Cancer Society’s website for more details.

Roasted Broccoli from Peas and Hoppiness -

Reason #2 to Love Broccoli: It’s Filling

Like most other veggies, broccoli has lots of fiber compared to it’s caloric price tag. Fiber content is one of the reasons that eating whole veggies is better than:

  • Juicing – it removes all of the amazing fiber. Why would you do that?!

  • Smoothies – it pre-digests food for you, so you don’t feel as full after drinking the same amount of calories as you would have eaten (even though smoothies are better than juice because they at least do have the fiber)

  • Supplements – sorry (not sorry), but you’ll never, ever get the nutrients from a vitamin or protein drink that you would from real food. Supplements are for people who are sick and either can’t consume enough real food, can’t absorb it properly, or can’t metabolize it

Including veggies with a meal is a great way to help you feel full and satisfied. As you include veggies, decrease your portions of less nutritious foods, like white rice or pasta. Cut the steak in half and double the portion of broccoli, and you have a recipe for life-long good health.

Roasted Broccoli from Peas and Hoppiness -

Reason #3 to Love Broccoli: It’s Super Yummy

Remember those glucosolates I was bragging about before? These compounds happen to contain sulfur, which is what gives broccoli its distinct aroma and slightly bitter taste.

Thus, when preparing broccoli, it’s really important to cook it in a way that enhances its flavor. If you steam or boil broccoli, this will usually enhance the bitterness rather than mitigate it. I’d recommend topping steamed broccoli with a squeeze of lemon juice or a few drops of soy sauce – sweet, salty, and sour flavors can all help tame the bitterness.

However, my all-time favorite way to tackle bitterness is to roast my vegetables. We talked about the two chemical reactions (caramelization and Maillard browning) when we discussed Brussels sprouts – and how the combination of these two processes transform some of the starches in veggies into sugar. This, of course, helps to cut that bitter flavor. Yum.

To make this delicious vegetable, rinse a beautiful large head of broccoli well and drain. Cut the head in half, then cut off florets into 1-inch pieces. You can also include the stem of the broccoli and cut this into 1-inch pieces, but avoid tough ends. Toss florets with canola oil and salt in a 9×13-inch baking dish and roast broccoli at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes, stirring half-way through to ensure even browning on all sides.

If you try this recipe, make sure to leave a comment below and let me know!

For weekly tasty, tested recipes and a plant-based menu sent to your inbox every week, start your free trial of the Peas & Hoppy Meal Guides. In this membership program I take the stress out of dinnertime and help you climb out of the food ruts you find yourself stuck in.

Happy eating!

Ann from Peas and Hoppiness

Crowd-Pleasing Roasted Broccoli from Peas and Hoppiness -

Crowd-Pleasing Roasted Broccoli Recipe


  • 6 c. broccoli florets (about 1 large head)

  • 2 Tbsp. canola oil

  • 1/4 tsp. coarsely ground salt


  1. Heat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

  2. Trim woody end of broccoli stalk. The rest of the stalk which is tender can be cubed and used, but should be peeled for the best quality. Cut florets off broccoli head into bite-sized pieces.

  3. Toss florets with canola oil and salt in a 9 x 13-inch baking dish.

  4. Roast at 425 degrees for 14-16 minutes, stirring half-way through to ensure even browning.

Prep time: 10-15 min // Cook time: 14-16 min // Total time: 25-30 min

Serves 4 – Serving Size: 1 c. – Nutrients per serving: 107 calories — 7g total fat — 1g saturated fat — 0g trans fat — 0mg cholesterol — 191mg sodium — 9g total carbohydrates — 3g fiber — 2g sugar — 4g protein —

Printable Recipe

Crowd-Pleasing Roasted Broccoli

Serving Size

Serves 2

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Cook Time

Total Time

4 thoughts on “Crowd-Pleasing Roasted Broccoli”

  1. Roasted veggies are great. Also, just like Brussel sprouts this can be done from frozen. Roasting times goes up by about 10 minutes, but the laziness factor is way better since someone else had to do all the cleaning and chopping.

    Also, I like to toss a little bit of steak seasoning on instead of the salt, the extra herbs add great flavor.

  2. I just tried it with frozen broccoli – I think it had too many ice crystals on it. When I went to stir it, the pyrex pan exploded, I assume from the water going on to the empty areas of the pyrex pan. It was an older pan so maybe it was on its last leg. Next time I am going to try it with fresh broccoli.

    1. Eek! I’ve never had this happen – although I’ve never used frozen broccoli, I’ve used frozen Brussels sprouts many times.

      Was the pan hot when you put the cold broccoli in? When I use frozen veggies, I put the frozen veggies in a cold pan, then put the pan in the oven. By the time I’m ready to stir, the veggies are as hot as the pan and there aren’t any ice crystals.

      I’ve also heard that setting a hot pan on a cold counter, like marble (especially that has standing water on it), can cause the pan to shatter. This isn’t what happened, is it?

      I hope you didn’t get hurt! At the very least, this sounds like a mess to clean up.

      1. Oh no. I guess I should have clarified something. I don’t generally roast using pyrex. I usually turn to (one of) my trusty half sheet pan(s) lined with some parchment paper for ease of cleanup. Half sheet pans are great workhorses for roasting and can be cheaply acquired from restaurant supply stores. After enough abuse they will warp but it takes some impressive abuse to get to that stage.

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